What’s been going on this month…….
June - August 2022
Wombles In Litter Education W.I.L.E
As avid litter pickers ourselves it is an honour to support our Wombles. For those who don’t know who/what is a womble, it was a tv show back in the 1960s which featured furry creatures who wanted to help look after the environment. This movement spawned a number of incredible groups in the UK who actively look after our environment and pick up litter. We are super proud to have collaborated with W.I.L.E who actively teach in school assemblies about the impact of litter. IN light of this we are donating books to their cause and yet another fantastic collaboration and set of inspiring people to join forces with.
Final Straw Foundation
Time to celebrate with a new collaboration with Final Straw Foundation (FSF), which is awesome Plymouth project with the aim to educate communities about the impacts of litter and plastic on our beaches. We met Liz from FSF at a recent event and absolutely loved their project. So much so we decided to donate copies of our first book to them who will be using the books and donate them to schools in the Plymouth area through the coming year. Check out these legends here and their amazing project.
Our Second book is Illustrated!!
Taking 2 years to write, 13 months to illustrate and containing a whopping 802,850 digital brushstrokes to create, this masterpiece is now finally complete. We still have the book design left to go but we are so proud of this book and our incredible illustrator Anukkaart.
We have a live book read showcasing the art work here, check it out:
With the help of the amazing charity PCiP we had our book read to 52 schools in Plymouth UK on World Book Day - can you imagine!
Readers included Lord Mayor, MP’s the and other senior Plymouth figures and reached 9,000 children. What’s more, the children loved it and 425 books were donated to schools. Our best moment yet by far. Have a look below at the days photos.

STEM Engagement
We have delivered 4 STEM live author presentations to 1050 schools nationally and reached over 50,000 children since the start of the year…. Can you believe it!
It’s great to give back and we have enjoyed each session discussing our day jobs as engineers, whilst explaining how we spent 4 years designing our books. We have a packed calendar through the summer so we hope to reach many more children and schools.
New Partnership with Pollenize
We are celebrating a new partnership with Pollenize as our second book is almost ready. We hope to collaborate by educating children in schools about the importance of bees and re-wilding using their amazing seeds. Check them out here.
We also have our second book available as a video for you to view. It is something special with a whopping 802,850 digital brushstrokes to create. View below through the button.
February 2022
4,000 Books going into schools!!!
We are super proud that Babcock International (who Nick and Matt work for) have received 4,000 copies of our first book called “STOP DROPPING LITTER”. The books were purchased not for profit by Babcock and will be distributed to schools across the UK with the help of Nick forming partnerships with various STEM hubs.
For us this really is an achievement worth shouting about and what our project goals focussed on back when we started in 2018. Only 20,000 schools to go!
Live BBC Wiltshire Radio Interview
Nick is on the radio again and this time giving BBC Wiltshire Radio listeners an update from back in March 2020 when we first promoted our project.
It is fair to say that a huge amount has changed since then, not to mention we have our first book available.
Check out Nick on the 9th of Feb at 2:30pm on frequency AM 1332.
Bug Brick is ready!
We have released our Bug Brick activity resource for schools to use.
Inspired by our third book and our Bearded beetle who has no wood we have decided to create our very own version of a bug hotel accessible to all.
Belinda @Cassandcocreative has done an amazing job for us so click the button which will navigate you to our activities page where you can scroll down and find it.
January 2022
We have a new Partnership!!
We are thrilled to form a new partnership with PCiP who are showcasing us as ‘Authors’ for ‘World Book Day’. What an honour!
It’s hard to even comprehend, but our book will be read by the Plymouth Lord Mayor, Councillors and 45 other influential figure heads to 50 schools in Plymouth on WBD2022. The3Engineers have also donated 100 books to schools to make this day extra special. Simply amazing!
We have our first Ambassadors!
The Litter ladies that Lunch is an incredible group of women who started litter picking in their home town of Portchester during lockdown. The ladies have inspired over 100 people now to join them on a crusade to help clean their streets of waste.
Their support of our project is fantastic and they wish to use our first book called “Stop Dropping Litter” to read in local schools and educate the next generation. By applying the education aspects of our book along with taking action is a dream formula to inspire!
We are honoured to collaborate Ladies and your energy is next level.
We have just received a £1000 donation from the Association for Achievement and Improvement Through Assessment (AAIA)!
This incredibly generous donation was gifted through their association and particular member, Keith Remnant, who was a big supporter of our project who has sadly passed away.
We will use this amazing donation to support our book self-publishing mission and look to donate books to the STEM SE Hub in his memory.
Thank you AAIA and Keith!
December 2021
The3Engineers have recently formed a partnership with SSERC who run the STEM Ambassador Hub in Scotland. The aim of this partnership is to secure funding to develop a whole host of school activity sheets, which will be developed in line with the Scottish curriculum. Their access to volunteer STEM ambassadors will help us make a big significant impact which is just super exciting. We can not wait till 2022.
November 2021
The3Engineers conducted 2 national STEM events which saw more than 500 schools and an estimated 16,000 students attend.
In our presentation we shared a bit about what we do as engineers, what sustainability is, how can we use engineering to be more sustainable, read our first book and participated in a live Q&A session.
The events were amazing and the feedback has been great.
October 2021
The3Engineers featured on ‘The Career Crowd Podcast’ where we shared our story about starting the project and how we have managed the ‘Side Hustle’ along with our day jobs and family lives.
September 2021
Our second book illustrations are in full swing with the concept artwork for the characters complete. Our second book is all about the missing bees and we aim to encourage readers to plant seeds to feed the bees.
Check out our illustration journey here:
June - July - August 2021
New Partnership
We have formed a new partnership with Nifty Bins who are changing people’s habits at festivals by incorporating shape and colour in to their bins. Their work in schools to offer further education around recycling and waste management ties up superbly with first book called ‘STOP DROPPING LITTER. and we hope to collaborate going forward.
Volunteers Needed!
The3Engineers are looking for volunteers to help create and trial the learning materials that will accompany our books.
Whether you’re a graphic designer wanting to add to your portfolio, or a teacher looking to do something different, we want to hear from you.
To find out more contact the the3engineers here:
Schools Get Involved!
We have had more schools trialling our book scripts and sending us images of their students work. The3engineers team absolutely love to see children’s work, so please contact us through our contacts page to get your school involved trialling our scripts.
Check out some amazing students work in our gallery here:
We are blogging
Check out our latest blog through the button below and find out how we have engineered this project since 2018 and designed our books. They have not been written in the most conventional way that is for sure.
We are leaving no brick left unturned as we tell all. Check them out. Cheeky little review below.
“Brilliant, humorous and very real” - Lara Bryant
New Partnership
We have formed a new partnership with 100 Tons of Plastic whose project have a target to pick up 100 Tonnes of waste from our seas.
The3engineers are looking to promote their great cause as we look to inspire readers to pick up litter.
Remember to tag us and 100 Tons on Instagram:
Pick it - Weight it - Tag it
Big News!
We are collaborating with our partners ‘Helping Hand Environment’ to create our very own branded litter pickers featuring Scout. OMG!
We are so excited about this prospect and one step closer to our goals, which is to make Scout a positive role model to encourage our next generation to help better our planet.
What better way than to join Scout’s team and help pick up litter.
May 2021
Meet Scout!
Our incredibly talented illustrator AnukaArt has been super busy bringing our storyboard to life. The process is so much fun and we hope you love our characters in the book as much as we do.
To follow our illustration journey click the button below:
PECT Collaboration
We have been approached and supported by Peterborough Environmental City Trust (PECT) with the aim to form a partnership to encourage families to go outside and join Scout’s team. A very exciting prospect which we hope will blossom in the coming months.
Check out PECT and their fun resources by clicking the button below.
Working With Schools
We have been working with schools up and down the UK with over 100 schools trialing our book scripts. Our biggest critics have given us some positive thumbs up feedback which has been super reassuring :)
This image was recently taken by Thomas’s schools in London who had a themed day for Earth Day and even did a litter pick inspired by our first book called: “STOP DROPPING LITTER”.
Have a listen by clicking the button below.
What’s going on this month…
April 2021
It’s Competition Time!!!
As promised we’ve launched our competition to win free litter pickers courtesy of partner Help Hand Environmental. All you need to do is create a poster to enter to win each month. Click the link to find out more!!!
The Prince’s Foundation
We have just been given the all-clear to work with ‘The Prince’s Foundation’ to create a workshop with them, that can be run by their education team at Dumfries House. This opportunity will allow us to generate more activity-based material linked to the themes of our books and STEM. Find out more about The Prince’s Foundation via the button below.
Flash Gallery
Our illustrations by Anuk Art continue, and we’d like to share with you some of this amazingly detailed artwork in High Definition detail. We are going to be creating an online gallery focused on a specific illustration, telling you how we came up with ideas for the images and why they contain certain “quirky” things. Keep your eyes peeled though, as the gallery will only be live for a week before we take it offline.
Our First Investors
Nick has been working tirelessly to network within big businesses, schools, and local authorities across the country and even internationally. His hard work has paid off and we have been given funding for 1000 books so that we can distribute them for free amongst schools in the UK. We also have two other likely sources looking to invest. WOOHOO!!!
What’s going on this month…
March 2021
Climate Steps Interview
Back in September, we were approached by Climate Steps (based in Washington DC) who were interested to know more about our story. In particular, our book series.
Well, the interview has now been edited and is published on their website as a three-part series. Why not have a read!
Detailed Illustrations
Anuk Art continues to wow us with her amazing illustrations as she details our first four page spreads. Why not have a look at some of the images in our gallery or follow us on Instagram @stop_dropping_litter to view some amazing animations of the artwork being created!
It’s Competition Time!!!
This month we are going to launch a competition for your chance to win a set of your own litter pickers courtesy of hhevironemental (check them on the link below). Keep an eye on our homepage in the next couple of weeks for details on how to enter.
Pick it - Weigh it - Tag it
Instagram @Stop-Dropping_Litter
What’s going on this month…
February 2021
Concept Art Work
She’s only gone and done it!!! Our amazing illustrator Anuk Art has brought our protagonist Scout to life. We love how she looks!
Click the button to see our other characters’ concept digital artwork come to life.
LOCKDOWN500 Challenge
Nick has set his local community a challenge to pick up 500kg of litter during this lockdown. The group has collected over 40 bags of litter weighing in at over 250kg to date!!! Perhaps you would like to add to that total….
Pick it - Weigh it - Tag it
What’s going on this month…
January 2021
It’s a really exciting month for the3engineers! We’ve signed a contract for our illustrations with Anuk Art.
We can’t wait to see our words come to life for the plastic story and share our progress with you all.
Our aim is to have the first book published and ready to be purchased by summer 2021 but there’s a lot to do before then.
If you want to know more about the things we’ve been doing or planning, why not read our blog by clicking the button below.