What’s going on this month……

May 2021

Meet Scout!

Our incredibly talented illustrator AnukaArt has been super busy bringing our storyboard to life. The process is so much fun and we hope you love our characters in the book as much as we do.

To follow our illustration journey click the button below:

PECT Collaboration

We have been approached and supported by Peterborough Environmental City Trust (PECT) with the aim to form a partnership to encourage families to go outside and join Scout’s team. A very exciting prospect which we hope will blossom in the coming months.

Check out PECT and their fun resources by clicking the button below.

Working With Schools

We have been working with schools up and down the UK with over 100 schools trialing our book scripts. Our biggest critics have given us some positive thumbs up feedback which has been super reassuring :)

This image was recently taken by Thomas’s schools in London who had a themed day for Earth Day and even did a litter pick inspired by our first book called: “STOP DROPPING LITTER”.

Have a listen by clicking the button below.

What’s going on this month…
April 2021

The Prince’s Foundation

We have just been given the all-clear to work with ‘The Prince’s Foundation’ to create a workshop with them, that can be run by their education team at Dumfries House. This opportunity will allow us to generate more activity-based material linked to the themes of our books and STEM. Find out more about The Prince’s Foundation via the button below.

Flash Gallery

Our illustrations by Anuk Art continue, and we’d like to share with you some of this amazingly detailed artwork in High Definition detail. We are going to be creating an online gallery focused on a specific illustration, telling you how we came up with ideas for the images and why they contain certain “quirky” things. Keep your eyes peeled though, as the gallery will only be live for a week before we take it offline.

Our First Investors

Nick has been working tirelessly to network within big businesses, schools, and local authorities across the country and even internationally. His hard work has paid off and we have been given funding for 1000 books so that we can distribute them for free amongst schools in the UK. We also have two other likely sources looking to invest. WOOHOO!!!

What’s going on this month…
March 2021

Climate Steps Interview

Back in September, we were approached by Climate Steps (based in Washington DC) who were interested to know more about our story. In particular, our book series.

Well, the interview has now been edited and is published on their website as a three-part series. Why not have a read!

Detailed Illustrations

Anuk Art continues to wow us with her amazing illustrations as she details our first four page spreads. Why not have a look at some of the images in our gallery or follow us on Instagram @stop_dropping_litter to view some amazing animations of the artwork being created!

It’s Competition Time!!!

This month we are going to launch a competition for your chance to win a set of your own litter pickers courtesy of hhevironemental (check them on the link below). Keep an eye on our homepage in the next couple of weeks for details on how to enter.

Pick it - Weigh it - Tag it
Instagram @Stop-Dropping_Litter

What’s going on this month…
February 2021

Concept Art Work

She’s only gone and done it!!! Our amazing illustrator Anuk Art has brought our protagonist Scout to life. We love how she looks!

Click the button to see our other characters’ concept digital artwork come to life.

LOCKDOWN500 Challenge

Nick has set his local community a challenge to pick up 500kg of litter during this lockdown. The group has collected over 40 bags of litter weighing in at over 250kg to date!!! Perhaps you would like to add to that total….

Pick it - Weigh it - Tag it

What’s going on this month…
January 2021


It’s a really exciting month for the3engineers! We’ve signed a contract for our illustrations with Anuk Art.

We can’t wait to see our words come to life for the plastic story and share our progress with you all.

Our aim is to have the first book published and ready to be purchased by summer 2021 but there’s a lot to do before then.


If you want to know more about the things we’ve been doing or planning, why not read our blog by clicking the button below.